In 2007 Shandi Modi founded the Carbon Ratings Agency and IDEAcarbon, an independent organisation whose mission is to create a credible global price on carbon.
Ideacarbon's extensive work in comparatively valuing volumetrically the greenhouse gas impacts of projects, programmes, policy and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) is anchored in rigorous methodology and ratings that have been tested and used by leading public and private stakeholders.
By the time it became apparent to the World Bank and other public-private organisations gathered in Davos in 2014 that we should consider a more serious response to national and sectoral initiatives in an international instutional structure, the Carbon Ratings Agency had already developed and tested the core analytical engine necessary for such developments. The World Bank Group formally appointed IDEAcarbon and the Carbon Ratings Agency to develop a practical design for the delivery of a global price on carbon, linking measure national carbon actions and linking sectors. IDEAcarbon completed this work in late 2013 and published its design version 1.0. IDEAcarbon co-led all World Bank stakeholder meetings for two years.
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