Senior Management


Shandi Modi picture Mr Shandi J. Modi, Founder, IDEAcarbon

Mr Modi has more than 25 years experience in the financial markets, as advisor to governments, policy makers, hedge funds and proprietary traders. He founded IDEAglobal, as well as, IDEAcarbon.  Mr Modi was awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the London School of Economics in recognition of his services to the financial industry.


Ian Johnson pictureMr Ian Johnson, Chairman, Carbon Rating Agency

Mr Johnson co-founded both IDEAcarbon and the Carbon Rating Agency (CRA), following a distinguished career at the World Bank. For eight years he was the Bank's Vice President for Sustainable Development overseeing its work on climate change and carbon finance. Prior to that he played a major role in negotiating the establishment of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and managed its day-to-day operations for six years. Ian is also the current Secretary General of the Club of Rome.