The Carbon Ratings Agency Delivery & Valuation Tool

What is CARBONrisk?

The Carbon Rating Agency’s CARBONrisk Tool is a web-based risk management application that allows the user to make estimates of emissions reduction project performance. As an entry point to the Carbon Rating Agency (CRA) rating process, CARBONrisk is supported by the analytical resources of the CRA. Cloud-based and accessible through the web browser, CARBONrisk is powerful and requires no installation.


Portfolio Risk Assessment

CARBONrik aggregates project-level contributions to risk up to the aggregate portfolio level. Contributions to risk of portfolio components are easily tracked and allow for more effective reporting, decision-making, and carbon asset management.


Rely on the Cloud, Not Constraints

CARBONrisk performance is not impaired by programs or processes running on a user’s workstation. The simulation engine relies on the cloud-computing technology to run complex and statistically descriptive risk scenarios. The cloud scales computing resources on demand so that the user never realizes a performance blip.


Detailed Analysis & Digestible Presentation

A picture is worth a thousand words. For this reason, tabular presentation of statistics is supplemented by a family of figures to assist interpretation. Simulation results can be viewed in detail within the web application or output to PDF reports suitable for presentation: in committee, to a manager, or in month-end reports.


No Installation Required

Web-based, CARBONrisk is accessible over a variety of platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux) and browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Opera). No complex installation of Excel Add-ins, changes in security settings, or IT administrative intervention is needed. Just three steps are involved: login, run, and review!


An Agency at Your Service

CARBONrisk is used by the Carbon Rating Agency in its ratings of carbon offset projects. So CARBONriskis not only used, but actively supported by rating analysts, data updates, and committee discussions on appropriate ways to monitor and assess risk. Have questions? The CRA can answer them.


Less Data, More Information

CARBONrisk parameterizes underlying data in order to generate statistical outcomes that are informative, yet highly linked to historical outcomes. As a result, the user is enriched with information, rather than overwhelmed by data.   

Client Log In

CARBONrisk now introduces the ability to take into account project-specific past issuance. The future delivery estimates are now biased by the information of the past performance of the project.

If you are interested to find out more, contact CRA


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Click here to dowload the folder   CARBONrisk Explained 

Portfolio diagram