Former Advisor to IDEAglobal Group, parent company of IDEAcarbon
A Great Innings - It is with much sadness to learn of the passing of a friend, advisor and mentor to the whole IDEA community, of Herr Professor Dr. Helmut Schlesinger at the ripe old age of 100. Old timers like me will recall the strength, conviction and humility with which he imparted a dominant stability by disciplining the financial markets and European governments from excesses beyond monetary rectitude.
There is no doubt in my mind that had his advice and policy framework been followed by European politicians, we would today have the Euro valued north of 1.50 rather than struggling at parity against the dollar. Against the debt ridden US dollar, the euro would have indeed become a commanding second international reserve currency.
Helmut played a great and long innings, setting standards of public service which should be an inspiration to all. Dr. Schlesinger was formerly the President of the Deutsche Bundesbank and was Chairman of the Central Bank Council from 1991 to 1993. Prior to that, Professor Dr. Schlesinger served in a variety of positions, including Head of Research and Statistics department, member of the board, and Deputy President of the Deutsche Bundesbank. He also served as Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Council, as well as a researcher at the IFO Institute for Economic Research.
Professor Dr. Schlesinger received a doctorate in economics from the University of Munich. He was a board member at the Bank for International Settlements, a member of the supervisory board of Metro, Vice Chairman of Foundation Finance, and an economic advisor to the German finance ministry.
Key contributions and insights